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Artist Statement

“I was raised on a lake nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains of California, where fences were non-existent and I roamed freely. I I found my sanctuary amidst the rolling hills of oaks and transporting waters of Malibu Lake. This profound connection with the wild instilled in me a deep respect for our environment and a desire to protect it. My photography is an extension of this passion, capturing the raw essence of nature and highlighting the urgent need for conservation. Through my lens, I want to inspire others to see the beauty of our natural world and understand our critical role in preserving it.”


Christina McFaul (b. 1979) graduated from Brooks Institute of Design in 2001 with a concentration in interior design.  With the arrival of her first son, her interest in photography was rekindled.  In 2012 she founded Christina McFaul Photography, a portraiture studio in Chicago, IL.  She was president of the “Women in Focus” photography group in Chicago, where she lived for five years before returning to California.  In 2023 she was certified by the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy.  Her work has been included in shows at Borders Art Fair (Venice, Italy) Southeast Center for Photography (Greenville, SC), Chicago Botanic Garden, Museum of Art (Arlington, TX), La Jolla Art Association (CA), and The Los Angeles Center for Photography, as well as others. She is publishing her first book, Sanctuary in the Wild with Datz Press in 2024.  She lives with her husband and two children in San Diego, CA.



Current Shows & Publications


Texas Photographic Society

August 28 - October 6, 2023

TPS 31 The international Exhibition

Juror Charlotte Cotton


Borders Art Fair, Venice, Italy

alongside the 18th Venice Biennale

July 21 - August 08 2023

Future Landscapes, Juror Luca Curci 


SE Center for Photography, Greenville, SC

July 7 - 29, 2021 

Light, Juror Douglas Beasley


A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX

Opening July 2023

Water, Juror Elizabeth Avedon


APA Los Angeles

Off the Clock Publication July 2023

Sanctuary in the Wild, Juror Darius Himes


List of past exhibitions can be found here.


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